
What are the most common symbols used in BPMN Diagrams?

Last updated on February 21, 2023

BPMN uses a set of symbols to represent various elements of a business process. Here are some of the common symbols used in BPMN diagrams:

  1. Events:
  • Circle with a thick border: represents the start event of the process
  • Circle with a thin border: represents an intermediate event within the process
  • Circle with a cross inside: represents an end event of the process
  • Double circle: represents a boundary event associated with an activity or subprocess
  1. Activities:
  • Rounded rectangle: represents a task or activity
  • Subprocess: represents a series of activities that are grouped together to represent a sub-process
  • Expanded subprocess: represents a subprocess that has been expanded to show additional detail
  • Transaction: represents a set of activities that must be completed as a single unit of work
  1. Gateways:
  • Diamond: represents a gateway that splits the process flow into multiple paths
  • Exclusive gateway: represents a decision point where only one path can be taken
  • Inclusive gateway: represents a decision point where one or more paths can be taken
  • Parallel gateway: represents a synchronization point where multiple paths are merged into a single flow
  1. Flows:
  • Sequence flow: represents the order of tasks and activities in the process
  • Message flow: represents the flow of information or data between different elements of the process
  • Association flow: represents a relationship between two elements in the process, such as data inputs or outputs