
Why are flights being cancelled?

Last updated on March 28, 2023

There can be various reasons why flights are being cancelled, including:

  1. Weather conditions: bad weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow, fog, or storms can make it unsafe to operate flights, leading to flight cancellations.
  2. Technical issues: aircraft require regular maintenance, and if a technical issue arises that can't be resolved in time, the flight may be cancelled to ensure passenger safety.
  3. Crew shortage: if a flight crew member falls ill or is unable to reach the airport due to unforeseen circumstances, the airline may have to cancel the flight.
  4. Air traffic congestion: airports and airspaces can become congested due to various factors, including high traffic volume or security alerts, which can cause flight delays and cancellations.
  5. Operational reasons: airlines may cancel flights due to operational reasons such as schedule changes, lack of demand, or cost-cutting measures.

It is always recommended to check with the airline before travelling to confirm the status of your flight, especially during times of unpredictable events.

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